How do you assess wring?
It is consists of:
- Grammar-Spelling-Mechanics
- Content – Organization
- Other?
- Grammar-Spelling-Mechanics
- Content – Organization
- Other?
What are rubric?
- go head and respond in the chat.
People in the room will respond, too.
Some benefit for students
- Students can fully understand what they need to do in order to succeed with
- Student work on self-assessment, which is a critical thinking skill.
- Student can more easily do peer assessment if they are using rubric
- Grading is fairer understands what he or she is asking students to do.
- Grading is much faster and easier.
- He teacher can fully understand the task and decide what is important.
- Students can fully understand what they need to do in order to succeed with
- Student work on self-assessment, which is a critical thinking skill.
- Student can more easily do peer assessment if they are using rubric
- Grading is fairer understands what he or she is asking students to do.
- Grading is much faster and easier.
- He teacher can fully understand the task and decide what is important.
Drawback of rubric
-They take time to do well.
-They take practice to do well.
- You can’t change your mind as you are grading. The rubric is not helpful to the students or the teacher.
- A poorly-designed rubric is not helpful to the students or to the teacher.
-They take time to do well.
-They take practice to do well.
- You can’t change your mind as you are grading. The rubric is not helpful to the students or the teacher.
- A poorly-designed rubric is not helpful to the students or to the teacher.
Six step
- Start with the performance objective.
- Identify the potential levels of quality within a characteristic or task.
- Create the rubric table-put the dimensions as row and the levels as columns.
Step 1: Performance Objectives
The ABCD Model:
A=Audience (who is being evaluated)?
B=Behavior (Specific! Observable!)
C= Condition under what condition will the behavior occur?
D=Degree (how much/many, how fast. How accurately, etc.-what makes it good?)-also called criteria
Step2: The characteristics/task
- Identify the characteristics /tasks comprising the performance.
- What are you looking for?
- Spelling/ capitalization/punctuation (mechanics)
- Grammar – Organization
- Content
- Interest
Step 3: Identify the levels of quality.
Step 4: Assign point values
- Assign a point value to each level.
- Assign a total point value for the assessment.
- Or assign points for each level and multiply by the number of characteristics to get the total.
- Sample calculation-if 4 points in 5 characteristics, total = 20 (or 15,if one of the levels is 0)
Step5: Identify the criteria
-This is the hard part.
- What makes something excellent? Be as complete as possible.
- What would a weak response be? Be detailed.
- Fill in the middle of the matrix.
- Make sure students can understand what you want.
Step6: Create the rubric table
- Work with a partner or on your own.
On line help with rubrics
- Rubican- sample rubrics for writing
- Rubistar – create rubric with help
Speaking characteristics
Rubrics work for speaking assignments, too
-Pitch-Pauses –Volume
- Eye contact
- Enthusiasm –Timing
- Content – Organization
- Listens to others
Crete a rubric
- Work with a partner, if possible
- Create a rubric foe an assignment 1(writing or speaking) in a class that you teach.
- Make sure you start with the learning objectives!
Email it to me if you want to share it :dhealy@uoregon.ed
So, I think creating rubrics to assess writing and speaking it is important for English Teacher. The rubrics are a tool developed by instructors to assess the performances of their students. We must write the purpose learning that according to what we want to measure. And creating a rubric is easy once you have taken to time to evaluate the dimensions/tasks which make up the students performance, and the criterion you will use to evaluate it.